Foundation Center Introduces Foundation Landscapes: Education
New Website Provides a One-stop Resource for Education Philanthropy
New York, NY — April 1, 2015. Foundation Center, the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide, introduces Foundation Landscapes: Education, a new online portal that serves as a hub of information about education philanthropy.
Education is one of the largest program areas within the philanthropic sector. U.S. foundations dedicate on average more than 20 percent of their overall grantmaking to education-related purposes each year. Education funders, policymakers, educators, and others can now access a wealth of high-quality information resources all in one place — a convenient, efficient way to find quick facts and figures, receive alerts, and stay informed about education funding.
"Foundation Landscapes: Education helps funders and others scan the field, track what their colleagues are doing, and assess their own work in the context of broader trends," said Lisa Philp, Foundation Center's vice president for strategic philanthropy. "This is part of our growing array of Knowledge Services that blend information, analysis, and technology to benefit the social sector." These data-driven tools and content-rich platforms developed by Foundation Center are designed for funders and their networks, consultants, advisors, and grantees. A brand-new section of Foundation Center's website, knowledgeservices, makes it easy to review and explore the full set of offerings, including Foundation Landscapes.
Foundation Landscapes: Education can be accessed at ; it is made possible through generous support from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations.
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