NYS Grants Reform Team and Newly Formed Nonprofit Coordination Unit Announce Change to the Grants Gateway
In response to feedback from nonprofit organizations, nonprofit advisory groups, and State agencies, the Grants Reform Team and Nonprofit Coordination Unit are pleased to announce enhancements to the Grants Gateway. These changes are effective March 19, 2015.
Changes to Prequalification Status
Expired documents are the leading cause of nonprofits losing their prequalification status in Grants Gateway. Until now, nonprofit organizations temporarily forfeited their prequalification status if they proactively opened their Document Vault to upload new versions of their IRS990, CHAR500, and Audit Report before the existing documents expired. The new updates to Grants Gateway will make it easier for nonprofit organizations to proactively update their documents and to know when their documents are going to expire.
Moving forward, prequalified nonprofits will not lose their Prequalified status when they proactively update their documents. To make this possible, two new statuses have been added to Grants Gateway:
- Prequalified/Open
If a prequalified organization opens their document vault to proactively upload new documents before the old ones expire, they will be placed in the "Prequalified/Open" status
- Prequalified/In Review
Once the new documents are submitted and under review, the organization will be in the "Prequalified/In Review" status.
Grant applications received from nonprofit organizations in either of the new statuses at the application due date and time will be eligiblefor State agency review.
Upcoming Training Training related to these changes will be available on a regular basis. Visit the Grants Gateway training calendar for more informationclick here.
More Information and Assistance 
What if Our Documents Expire?
Nonprofits that allow the documents in their vault to expire will continue to lose their Prequalified status. These nonprofits will be placed in a new "Document Vault Expired" status.
State agencies will not review grant applications
submitted by nonprofits in this status.
The Grants Gateway updates also include changes to pre and post expiration emails. These emails will contain a new informative subject line and stronger language to warn of an upcoming loss of prequalification status. These emails will be sent 30, 20, and 10 days prior to expiration. If a nonprofit does lose its Prequalified status, post-expiration emails will be sent with a new informative subject line and stronger language to ensure that the nonprofit is aware of the loss of its prequalification status. These emails will be sent 1, 15, 30, and 60 days after expiration.
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