Newsletter of the Museum Association of New York
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Be a part of NYS's Museum Community
For sixty years MANY has been connecting people in museums and historical organizations across NY - providing a full range of training, advocacy, networking & collaborative programs to support New York's museum field.
Take this opportunity to invite your colleagues to join MANY!

New Grants
The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) has provided $102,000 to be distributed by the Museum Association of New York between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015. During this period we will offer "Mini-Grants" and "Travel Grants." This new, pilot program replaces the Grants for Museum Advancement: Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
Mini-Grants of up to $5,000 are available to work on a modest planning or implementation project.
Travel Grants for professional development are available for up to $1,000.
Visit our website for more information
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A Note from Your Executive Director |

As frigid January comes to an end, MANY continues rolling along!
This past month saw the rollout of the newly designed Mini-Grant and Travel Grant program, in conjunction with the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA). This new pilot program replaces the former Ready, Set, Go program and seeks to allow more flexibility for grantees. For more information on the new program, please visit our website.
January also saw MANY begin a robust membership drive in an attempt to better represent the museum field and build the capacity to provide the services expected of a statewide organization. We have reached to, and will continue to reach out to, organizations who once were members of MANY or Museumwise as well as organizations who have never been members. Our hope is to represent a critical mass of the cultural institutions of our state in order to strengthen our ability to fully represent the needs and issues of the field. If we speak with One Voice, we are stronger.
We continue to gear up fully for our 2015 Museums in Action Annual Conference, held at the world-renowned Corning Museum of Glass April 12-14. The theme of Museums Mean Business speaks to all of us. Registration opened today! Members receive a substantial discount so register now! This year's conference is going to be one of the best yet!
We also continue with our Advocacy efforts on behalf of museums, zoos, botanical gardens and aquariums. Meetings are taking place within the Legislature and Governor's office regarding the Museum Education Act, and our analysis of the Governor's Executive Budgetproposal is now on our website. Stay tuned for updates as the things begin to happen!
As always, please feel free to reach out to me via phone or email if you have any concerns, questions, or just want to talk.
Devin R. Lander
Stay Connected - Please be sure to update our
contact information
Board News |
The MANY Board met Monday, January 26. Items on the agenda included: membership drive; annual conference; and nominating process for the board. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will take place Tuesday, March 23rd. |
Advocacy Update |
Confusion reigns in Albany!
With the current situation in the Assembly, things have essentially stopped functioning until a new Speaker is chosen. This includes negotiations regarding the budget as well as legislation. MANY continues to soldier on, however, and is meeting with Senate leaders, Assembly staff, the Regents, and the Governor's office about the Museum Education Act. To view the draft legislation click here.
Please remember that this legislation can only become law with your help. Access our website for more information about how you can lead the discussion locally with your state representatives so that they become familiar with and support this proposed legislation.
MANY has also swung into action regarding the Governor's proposed Executive Budget. Our Board President Robert Cassetti stands ready to give testimony at upcoming budget hearings as they develop. Click here to read his testimony from the Assembly Committee on Tourism, Parks, Arts and Sports Development Budget Hearing.
Staff at MANY and our Government Affairs consultant Sheila Healy have put together a preliminary breakdown of the Governor's budget, which can be found here.
We are continuing to monitor and actively engage in Albany even in this time of confusion. We will be updating membership as developments take place.

AAM's Take on President Obama's State of the Union; Museums Advocacy Day Needs You
Recently, President Obama delivered his State of the Union address at the U.S. Capitol. In his 65-minute speech, the president outlined his priorities and proposals for 2015. Congress will now begin its work to set federal funding levels, develop tax policy and determine next steps for our nation's education system.
Will museums be part of the equation?
"Museums have a golden opportunity to influence the Congressional agenda this year," said Alliance President Ford W. Bell." From job creation, education and public diplomacy to disaster relief, human rights and honoring our veterans, the issues raised last night are very much in line with what museums are doing every day. I invite everyone to join us in Washington, D.C. Feb. 23-24 to make the case for museums as part of Museums Advocacy Day 2015".
Join MANY and other NYS Museums' representatives at this year's Museums Advocacy Day!
Registration is Open for MANY's Museums in Action Annual Conference - Corning, NY |
Museums in Action 2015: Museums Mean Business
April 12-14 - Corning, NY
MANY Member: $190
Non-Member: $245
Don't miss this opportunity to learn, network and explore in Corning. Take advantage of the location and enjoy the exhibits at the Corning Museum of Glass and The Rockwell Museum. Listen to Keynoters Gavin Landry, Executive Director of NYS Tourism, and Ford Bell, President & CEO, American Alliance of Museums. Attend though-provoking sessions on this year's theme, Museums Mean Business, or Museum Must-Haves. Take part in a Coffee Talk to share ideas and problem solve. Attend the Opening Night Reception featuring hot glassblowing demonstrations and Finger Lakes wine tastings. There's something for everyone at this year's conference!
A special workshop!
Glass Conservation Workshop at the
Corning Museum of Glass Conservation Lab
$60 MANY member; $70 non-member (limited to the first 8)
This practical workshop includes the principles and practices of cleaning, care, conservation and restoration of historical and archeological glass. Discussions center on aspects of deterioration, cleaning and restoration methods, as well as care, handling, and proper conditions for storage and display. Practical work includes cleaning, re-assembly of broken glass, and use of adhesives. Click here to learn more about conservation at CMoG. Workshop Leader: Stephen Koob, Chief Conservator, Corning Museum of Glass
Click here for more information on this year's Annual Conference.
Annual Conference Keynote Speakers Announced |
Museum Association of New York is pleased to announce that this year's Keynote Speakers will be Gavin Landry, Executive Director, Empire State Development and Ford Bell, President & CEO, American Alliance of Museums.
Opening Keynote
Monday, April 13, 12:30
Gavin Landry
Executive Director of Tourism, Empire State Development
Gavin Landry joined Empire State Development (ESD) as the Executive Director of Tourism in March of 2013. As Executive Director, Mr. Landry leads the iconic I LOVE NEW YORK marketing campaign and develops and implements new initiatives to further the State's positive tourism growth. Tourism is the third fastest growing job sector in NYS. Mr. Landry also works closely with Governor Cuomo's Tourism Advisory Council (TAC), which provides input and advice regarding the state's tourism efforts.
Before joining Empire State Development, Mr. Landry ran Landry Hospitality Consulting Services. He has also served as president of the Saratoga Convention and Tourism Bureau, a post he held for 12 years. During that time, he served as the President of the NYS Association of CVB's (2000-02) and was nominated for Tourism Executive of the Year by the members of NYSHTA in 2007. A graduate of Cornell University, Mr. Landry is currently an adjunct professor at New York University's (NYU) Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management. In February of 2013, Mr. Landry was the recipient of an award for teaching excellence from NYU, one of 20 given out across nine disciplines.
Closing Keynote
Tuesday, April 14, 10:45am
Ford Bell
President & CEO, American Alliance of Museums
Ford W. Bell began his tenure as president of the American Alliance of Museums (then the American Association of Museums) in June 2007. He brings to AAM a lifelong passion for museums and a clear understanding of the important role museums play as educational institutions, economic engines and community assets, as well as places of enlightenment and inspiration. Under his leadership, AAM has undergone a dramatic transformation, and is fully committed to championing the cause of museums with the public, the media and government officials at all levels. Ford has also made it an organization-wide priority to nurture excellence in the field through the establishment and promotion of standards, ethics and best practices. He led the re-branding of AAM, beginning with the development of a new strategic plan and culminating in the launch of the American Alliance of Museums in September 2012, complete with a new name, look, logo, website and commitment to member service. The result has been a dramatic spike in membership and external support, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the 107-year old organization.
Plan your conference schedule to be sure to attend the Monday Keynote at 12:30pm and the Tuesday Keynote at 10:45am.
MANY Membership |
As a busy museum professional, I know you are discriminating at how your time is used, and deliberate on how your resources are spent. There is one organization in New York that is a good use of both and offers you stellar advocacy, top notch professional development, regional networking opportunities, grants and expertise at navigating Albany, and that is the Museum Association of New York. Membership in MANY is an excellent use of your time and wise investment for your organization.
There are exciting things happening at MANY and I invite you to be a part of it. Our goal is to connect and strengthen the Museums and museum professionals of New York State. Together we are the strength of MANY.
I am asking you to consider supporting New York State's only statewide association representing our museums, historical societies and associations, zoos, botanical gardens and aquariums.
We have a remarkable year ahead of us, including:
- Working to pass the Museum Education Act, which would provide new state funding to support museum Pre-K - 12 and continuing education programs as well as transportation.
- Demonstrating the vital economic role that museums play at the MANY 2015 Museums in Action annual conference held in Corning titled Museums Mean Business.
- Administering $102,000 in NYSCA-funded Mini-Grants and Travel Grants to support the outstanding work being done in New York's Museums.
- Connecting museum professionals, influencers and funders in your region at one of our 10 regional meet-ups held across the state.
MANY's Board is also expanding to include multiple members from each of the 10 Regional Economic Development Councils in the state. Each MANY trustee will represent their own organization, as well as their region of the state. They will serve as your representatives to bring voice to the unique needs and strengths of your institution and community.
The museum and cultural organization field is significantly stronger when we work together. We need to speak with one powerful voice - and we can't do it without you.
We know that the museum and cultural organization field is stronger together, speaking with one powerful voice. Please consider becoming a member of MANY today.
For more information, or to join online, please visit manyonline.org.
Devin R. Lander
Executive Director
Calling All Museums in Action Conference Sponsors & Exhibitors |

Join Us in Corning April 12-14
Are you a vendor who would like to be a part of the largest gathering of museum professionals in New York State? Do you think the work we do is VITAL and you would like to be a sponsor? Then this is the link for you!
Come be a part of the Action. Check out the levels of participation for exhibitors and sponsors for the 2015 conference. Bring your goods and set up a display or if you can't make it there in person, we have options for you!
- * Become a sponsor and get an advertisement in our program booklet.
- * Feeling like we need to be more technologically savvy? Sponsor our conference app.
- * Get your company logo on the conference name badges (everyone cool will be wearing them)!
- * Sponsor one of our super fun receptions - come on... cocktails and glass blowing?
For more information on this year's conference exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, check out the website.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Announcing a New Pilot Grant Program from MANY and NYSCA |

The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) has provided $102,000 to be distributed by the Museum Association of New York between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015. During this period we will offer "Mini-Grants" and "Travel Grants." This new, pilot program replaces the Grants for Museum Advancement: Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
Mini-Grants of up to $5,000 are available to work on a modest planning or implementation project. While a match is not required, applicants are encouraged to show other contributions to their project through staff time or other funds. Applicants must be able to articulate why this project is a current priority for their museum, and how it moves the organization forward. The grants cannot be used as a match for a NYSCA application, nor duplicate any NYSCA request. Grant funds may also not be used to support the salary of current staff or for any capital projects.
Projects may involve, but are not limited to: board, audience, membership, or program development; strategic or long-range planning; staff training, marketing, exhibitions, collections, or museum education. Traditional consultancies as well as mentoring relationships are welcome.
Deadlines are February 16 and May 1, 2015.
Nonprofit Contracting Advisory Committee Meets, Reforms for the Future |

Nonprofit Contracting Advisory Committee met early this December to address several important reforms impacting nonprofits in 2015, including the New York State Grants Gateway, Nonprofit Revitalization Act, and Executive Order 38. Highlights from the meeting included Grants Gateway announcing the addition of a workflow tracking section to ensure timely prequlification. According to get the Gateway, a majority of prequalification interruptions are due to expired documents and nonprofits waiting until the last minute to complete applications. If you have questions or concerns about your prequalification status please contact Ian Morrison, at Ian.Carlson@budget.ny.gov or 518-473-1070.
Presentation on the Nonprofit Revitalization Act pinpointed public charter schools, private residential colleges, hospitals, and historic house museums as being at higher risk than other charities of being non-compliant. NYCON strongly suggests members get the full details and watch video of the meeting here.
Member Kudos |
Congratulations to The Strong. The museum , along with Rowman & Littlefield, recently published the two-volume The Handbook of the Study of Play. The book brings together diverse thinkers across academic disciplines to explore the vital role of play in human development. It's also co-edited by Scott Eberle! You can find out more about the book on the museum's press room website.
Rensselaer County Historical Society (RCHS) installed a modified version of last year's popular exhibit, Hoardin History: Why the Museum Collects, in the Albany Airport. The Airport's Arts andCulture program highlights regional cultural attractions with temporary exhibits in the terminals. RCHS is pleased to take part in this program and expand the museum beyond our downtown Troy walls. Great job!
Kudos to the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG)
for being highlighted by Let's Move! Museums & Gardens. Their program, Carla Hall's Culinary Kids Week was recently featured in the Let's Move!newsletter. As part of the Edible Academy initiative and the Let's Move! Museums & Gardens 5th anniversary celebration, the NYBG is planning a family-friendly, weeklong food festival celebrating the relationships among plants, farms, and your favorite foods. ABC's The Chew co-host, NYBG Edible Academy Committee Member, and celebrity chef Carla Hall will be featured in this weeklong celebration that offers exciting hands-on activity stations, daily cooking skills workshops, and more, with a very special appearance by Carla on Monday, February 16.
A Shout Out... Has your organization recently receive an award, recognition, or donation? Do you have BIG news? Please share with us!
Apply Now! Sponsorships Available for 2015 Canal-Related Events |

To give canal-related events a boost, Erie Canalway has teamed up with the NYS Canal Corporation to offer a limited number of sponsorships of up to $500 for events or festivals taking place in the National Heritage Corridor from May through November 2015.
Qualifying events must promote or celebrate the distinctive historic, cultural, scenic, or recreational resources of the canal corridor.
Eligible applicants include municipalities or nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations.
Applications are due by February 13, 2015.
For details and an application, visit www.eriecanalway.org
Marx Will Serve as IMLS Acting Director upon Hildreth's Departure |

Maura Marx, deputy director for library services, will serve as acting director for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Marx assumed the leadership role on January 19, following the end of IMLS Director Susan H. Hildreth's four-year term. Marx will lead the agency until a new director is nominated by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The IMLS directorship alternates between individuals from the museum and library communities.
Marx began her term as deputy director for library services in May of 2013. Prior to her appointment, she served as director of the Digital Public Library of America Secretariat at the Berkman Center at Harvard University.
Previously, she served as executive director of the Open Knowledge Commons, where she worked to catalyze and raise funds for libraries working on collaborative digital library initiatives. She founded the digital library program at the Boston Public Library and was responsible for its dedication to open principles. Her interests are in cultural heritage, collaboration, and the promotion of all types of open knowledge.
Marx was named a "Mover and Shaker" by Library Journal in 2006 and was a fellow at the Berkman Center at Harvard University. She has a B.A. from the University of Notre Dame, an M.A. from Middlebury College, and an M.S.L.I.S. from Simmons College.
Get the Word Out About your Museum! List with I LOVE NY! |

Want to get the news out about your events, programs, or general visitor information? I LOVE NY will post your organization's press releases to their post site, The Beat!
The more advance notice of events, the better chance of publication. Information sent to The Beat should be in the form of a press release with all relevant details. They usually run a photo or logo with each story, so be sure to include one of these with your information! Check out www.iloveny.com/thebeat to see the examples.
Museums can also edit and add to their own facility and event listings on iloveny.com by visiting CMORE NY at: http://www.iloveny.com/cmoreny
I LOVE NY also produces PSAs and often feature museums and museum-related events. Topics usually include current museum exhibitions across the state and other themed museum events (examples include the hall of fame and aviation museum passport programs).
Take advantage of this great opportunity! Get involved with I LOVE NY and get your events and organization listed!
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