Thursday, May 29, 2014

Circuit Rider program through the Connecting to New York's Collections

Over 50 organizations have requested a 

Circuit Rider site visit - 

Have you requested yours yet?


Sign Up for a Face-to-Face Assessment of Your Site!  The Circuit Rider program is currently being offered through the Connecting to New York's Collections administered by Greater Hudson Heritage Network (GHHN), which is funded through a generous 'Connecting to Collections' Implementation Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Fall of 2014.


What is a Circuit Rider?  Historically, the term referred to the clergy in the earliest years of the United States who were assigned to travel around specific geographic territories to minister to settlers and organize congregations. Our "Circuit Riders" are a team of statewide independent trained professionals in the field of collection management and conservation who will come to you! 


How does the CR program benefit my Institution?

The Circuit Rider program is tailored to meet the needs of individual sites and offers an opportunity for site staff and board members to meet personally with the Circuit Rider in an informal, supportive, and consultative setting. Circuit Riders help small collecting institutions develop preliminary strategies for improving collections care by identifying and prioritizing actions you can practicably take to implement improvements. The program will also help provide templates and identify resources you can use to draft basic collections policies, forms, and procedures for adoption and implementation. Information obtained from the Circuit Rider visit may be used as support materials for the American Association of Museum's Collections Stewardship Assessment Program (CSMAP), GHHN's Conservation Treatment Grant,  the Heritage Preservation's Conservation Assessment Program (CAP), and the Museum Assessment Program (CAP). 


How does it work?  Contact GHHN to request a site visit. The Circuit Rider will come to your organization for a half-day site visit focusing on a topic that is determined in advance. The site visits are available to historic house museums, historic sites, historical societies, libraries, and archives - any site that has collections. Circuit Riders will discuss various areas of stewardship with you, help identify your specific collections issues, suggest and prioritize basic steps to improve care of your collections, review your existing documents and forms, provide you with templates, and suggest site-specific resources. You can request multiple site visits as long as each visit is on a different collection issue. Best of all, the program is completely FREE to participants until October 2014.



Sign up today -- It's FREE!


or contact us at 914.592.6726 or at

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