This morning I, along with many esteemed colleagues, will be testifying in front of the Senate Committee on Corporation, Authorities and Commissions regarding the recent proposed amendments to NYS' Not-for-Profit Corporate Law.
Our testimony will be streamed live today from 10am to 12pm. I encourage you to watch it if you can.
Following the oral testimony, NYCON's written remarks will be posted online both on the Senate website and our own. We encourage you to read them and let us know what you think.
In general, NYCON supports these changes. It's been over 40 years since the law was amended and certainly, we know times have changed.
It's our view that the amendments should, first and foremost, enhance and simplify not complicate and protract the nonprofit community's ability to partner with NYS to deliver on mission - for basic human needs, for healthcare, for quality of life issues, for arts & culture, the list goes on and on.
As you will see many times we are in agreement - case in point, allowing board members to vote via email - however there are some areas in which we would suggest changes or additions to what has been proposed.
NYCON's main concerns are regarding:
- Ensuring mergers, dissolutions, and other forms of corporate affiliations easier, cheaper and quicker
- Ensuring voting officers and board members are volunteers and not paid
- Addressing the misconceptions and proposed additional reporting requirements around nonprofit "excessive" executive compensation.
Again, our full remarks will be posted online at the conclusion of today's hearing. We welcome your feedback on these amendments and your thoughts in general on nonprofit policy & the current state of affairs in New York. Please click here to send us your comments.
Thank you for taking the time to read this today and for all the work that you continue to do in your communities. We truly do appreciate it.
 Doug Sauer, CEO New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc. (NYCON)
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