Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Webinar for Spring & Summer

Know Thy Self: Assessing Organizational Readiness When Taking on the World of Restructuring [Lunch & Learn Webinar]
Presented by Doug Sauer, CEO,
New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc.

Tuesday May 7th, 2013    11:00am to 12:30pm   
Affiliation discussions are a discovery process - uncovering and clarifying motivations, interests, organizational facts and circumstances, strengths and weaknesses. It is a process where potential partners learn about each other and yes, learn about themselves as well. Successful affiliation talks depend largely on each party being prepared, as transparency starts internally first. The more clarity your board and staff leadership can get as to the organization's true operational, fiscal, and "mission" health, the better positioned the organization will be in type of restructuring or collaboration. This webinar, led by our seasoned restructuring expert, Doug Sauer CEO, will guide attendees as to the questions that you should first ask yourselves and then extend to your potential partner. 
Register Now

Explore Employee Benefits that You Can Afford!
May: Spotlight on  Flexible Spending Account Program (FSA) and Life Insurance Programs 

We know that the Employe Benefits "Market" can be
complicated.  Our job is to help make that world more simple, and affordable for nonprofits. To help you understand each type of benefit, it's coverage features and it's costs we are rolling out a series of short 30-minute webinar spotlights on our administered programs: Health Insurance,Flexible Spending Accounts and our Vision Program - which is new for 2013!  
Up next...

Social Media Myth Busting: If You Build It, Will They Come? [Lunch & Learn Webinar]
Presented by Andrew Marietta, Regional Manager, Central NY Office, NYCON and Valerie Venezia, Vice President, Membership & Marketing, NYCON
June 14th, 2013 11:00am to 12:30pm 
Register Now
Sometimes it seems like there's a new hot social media tool launched every day of the week. Figuring out what these tools do, how our nonprofit should use them, and frankly, if you need to use these tools can boggle anyone's mind. As busy nonprofit staff and board members we need to know what specific tool do we use for our specific goals? How do we measure success? This webinar will help cut through the clutter of social media mayhem and help you simplify, refocus, and target social media tools based on organizational needs and a focused message (and maybe even some actual metrics!)  
Register Now 
The Two Good (& Short) Webinars You May Have Missed this Month...
Last week NYCON hosted and recorded two very short, informative webinars on two very different topics. These were two great webinars that you (probably) missed. Take a few minutes and check them out when it's convenient for you!

 First, our Dental Program Spotlight:  NYCON's most popular (and very affordable) employee benefit, this program provides two optoins, comprehensive coverage and a array of providers to choose from. Take a few minutes and listen to Eric Laughlin of CS Plus give a quick overview of how the program works, what it covers and how much it costs. CLICK HERE.

DoGoodBuyUs Corporate Member Spotlight:Does your nonprofit have great goods to sell? Are you looking for an online marketplace to help you spread the word? Check out the 20 minute Corporate Member spotlight we did with Zach Rosenberg, Founder of DoGoodBuyUs.CLICK HERE. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

From the SUDDES Group, The Daily Nuggets Blog: Just Ask

Tom Suddes
CHI (Catholic Health Initiatives) Training in Colorado on Wednesday. Also getting everything ready for a big week in Ireland.
    I know our Point of View is game changing.
    I know we’ve got a lot of great Framework and Processes for FI Teams.
    I know if you follow the Roadmap, you have a guide for big funding boosts.
    I also know that none of that means squat if you don’t JUST ASK!!!
Three PDF’s that you can print and share that might help.
To see more online click here.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The NonProfit Times Weekly E-Newsletter

IRS Reports 10,000 Fewer Nonprofits In 2012

There were 10,000 fewer registered tax-exempt organizations in 2012 than in 2011.
According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Data Book for 2012, which was released Monday, there were 1,484,818 501(c) organizations for the fiscal year ending in September, compared with 1,494,882 in 2011 – a decrease of 10,064, or about 0.68 percent.Read more...

Professional Development...
5 principles for ethical mentoring

“I never meant for that to happen.”
Just as the above lament can be the swan song for a nonprofit that doesn't follow good organizational practices, it can also be the epitaph for a mentoring partnership gone wrong.

Human Resources...
15 interview questions you can legally ask

There are a lot of laws these days that restrict the kind of information you can request from candidates during job interviews. Since you probably don't want to get in trouble with the law, it's important to know the questions that you can and should ask.

6 reasons change is good

It's usual to resist change. Those who aren't pulling their own (or any) weight know that their gigs can be threatened if they don't do a whirlwind job of convincing change agents just how essential they are. Those who are pulling their own weight (or more) know that their livelihoods are threatened because they are too busy working to prove how essential they are to the operation.

To Read More Click Here

Webinars Missed from NYCON, Plus New for Spring & Summer!

The Two Good (& Short) Webinars You May Have Missed Last Week...
Last week NYCON hosted and recorded two very short, informative webinars on two very different topics. These were two great webinars that you (probably) missed. Take a few minutes and check them out when it's convenient for you! 

 First, our Dental Program Spotlight:  NYCON's most popular (and very affordable) employee benefit, this program provides two optoins, comprehensive coverage and a array of providers to choose from. Take a few minutes and listen to Eric Laughlin of CS Plus give a quick overview of how the program works, what it covers and how much it costs. CLICK HERE.

DoGoodBuyUs Corporate Member Spotlight: Does your nonprofit have great goods to sell? Are you looking for an online marketplace to help you spread the word? Check out the 20 minute Corporate Member spotlight we did with Zach Rosenberg, Founder of DoGoodBuyUs. CLICK HERE. 

NYCON Membership Benefits Orientation [Webinar]
Good for Prospective, New & Returning Members! April 18th, May 17th or June 14th - Your Choice
In our "Get to Know Us" Sessions, NYCON staff will tell you a lot more about our membership benefits - and answer all the questions you have regarding our process, costs and what you get for FREE.  We will be talking about these benefits.
  • Nonprofit Training, Education and Professional Assistance 
  • Cost Savings Solutions for Nonprofits
  • The Nonprofit Voice in New York State   

    Register Now

Presented by Susan Weinrich, VP of Organizational Develoment Services, NYCON
Friday, April 19, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EDT)
Call And Login Information Will Be Sent Via Email

Developing a strategic plan is an important component of organizational success; developing strategicthinking throughout the organization, however, is what enables an organization to make timely and effective decisions before, during, and after the establishment of a strategic plan. This session will provide guidance and offer suggestions on how you can leverage the impact of your strategic plan (if you have one) and build a culture where Board and staff leadership look forward rather than backward and seize opportunities rather than manage crisis. Learn how to improve your organizational decision making and move forward with shared purpose, commitment, and vision.

Know Thy Self: Assessing Organizational Readiness When Taking on the World of Restructuring [Lunch & Learn Webinar]
Presented by Doug Sauer, CEO, 
New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc.

Tuesday May 7th, 2013    11:00am to 12:30pm   
Affiliation discussionsare a discovery process - uncovering and clarifying motivations, interests, organizational facts and circumstances, strengths and weaknesses. It is a process where potential partners learn about each other and yes, learn about themselves as well. Successful affiliation talks depend largely on each party being prepared, as transparency starts internally first. The more clarity your board and staff leadership can get as to the organization's true operational, fiscal, and "mission" health, the better positioned the organization will be in type of restructuring or collaboration. This webinar, led by our seasoned restructuring expert, Doug Sauer CEO, will guide attendees as to the questions that you should first ask yourselves and then extend to your potential partner. 

Social Media Myth Busting: If You Build It, Will They Come? [Lunch & Learn Webinar]
Presented by Andrew Marietta, Regional Manager, Central NY Office, NYCON and Valerie Venezia, Vice President, Membership & Marketing, NYCON
June 14th, 2013 11:00am to 12:30pm 

Sometimes it seems like there's a new hot social media tool launched every day of the week. Figuring out what these tools do, how our nonprofit should use them, and frankly, if you need to use these tools can boggle anyone's mind. As busy nonprofit staff and board members we need to know what specific tool do we use for our specific goals? How do we measure success? This webinar will help cut through the clutter of social media mayhem and help you simplify, refocus, and target social media tools based on organizational needs and a focused message (and maybe even some actual metrics!)  

For more click here.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The key to success for non-profits

By Matt Hicks
By Casey Killian

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) The Greater Binghamton Chamber may serve business members, but it also shares community concerns.
Members came together Thursday to learn about the challenges non-profits face and how they can succeed.
The Executive Director of the Roberson Museum said their non-profit used an outside assessment in 2009 to launch the museum back from the brink of financial failure.
It's now a model of adaptability and success.
"Going from a point of crisis and personal anxiety on my part, to a place where I can share it with not only this community, but we're telling the story at Museum Wise Conference in Syracuse and at the American Affiliation of Museums Conference in Baltimore," said Terry McDonald, executive director of the Roberson Museum and Science Center. "It's a nationwide story. It's a good story to tell."
The New York Council on Nonprofits Inc. was the consultant that helped Roberson Museum.
It offered 21 recommendations, including selling the Decker Mansion and hiring a professional marketing staff. 
To see the video click here.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nonprofit CEOs face pay limits in July

New $199G cap targets health, human services

After learning that two top executives at a New York City nonprofit that serves the developmentally disabled earned nearly $1 million each and got other benefits, Gov. Andrew Cuomo 15 months ago issued an executive order limiting executive salaries of organizations that contract with one or more of 13 state agencies to $199,000 a year.
The order, which also restricts administrative spending, directed the departments to issue regulations within three months. Proposed regulations came out after 90 days had elapsed and were to have taken effect Jan. 1 of this year. Due to the issue’s complexity and questions and criticism from the nonprofit sector, they were revised and the implementation date was moved to April 1. Additional changes were published in March, and the start date is now scheduled for July 1, nearly 18 months after Cuomo’s executive order.
To Read The Full Article Click Here

Greater Hudson Heritage Network Announcement

Today announces the launch of the new  
Connecting to New York's Collections website!

Last fall, Greater Hudson Heritage Network was awarded $250,000 through the fall of 2014, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to present preservation training  in connection with the collection types identified as "at risk" in New York State: books and paper; photographic collections; digital materials; and historic objects. Training will be provided via:

  • webinar series (14 in all), viewable independently or in groups to encourage discussion and networking
  • web-based "How-To" video tutorials providing instruction to organizational staff and to a more general audience who may have personal collections
  • - an interactive cross-disciplinary knowledge portal website website - will serve as the 'go-to' site for collections care best practices, a 'home' for disaster preparedness plans, conservation and preservation resources, the webinar series, and the "How-To" video tutorials

Saturday, April 6, 2013

News from NYCON

Just Like the Tournament, the Camp Finance Discount is Almost Over!
Register Before April 7th to Save... 
Are you still feeling the March Madness? The Camp Finance Team at NYCON still is... and we want to make sure the people who are "mad" about Camp Finance can save on their early registration.

From now through the end of the  "Final Four" (April 7th) you can get a $50 discount on paid Full Conference registration for Camp Finance.

Just click here and enter discount code"MarchMadness" to get $50 off of your paid Full Conference registration (Sorry, no discount applies to Day Trip Registration Rates.)  

Looking forward to seeing you on the mountain!
 Please note: This discount offer applies to Credit Card Online or Pay By Phone Orders Only. If you prefer to have our Staff take your payment and registration via phone please contact Amber Vanderwarker at 1 (800) 515-5012 ext. 126.
We've Got ANI!
 Welcome our Newest Conference Sponsor

ANI is an insurance company governed by nonprofits themselves. 
ANI is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit that is governed by other 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofits. They aren't just a "program" of an insurance company that specializes in nonprofits. Insuring nonprofits is their entire mission.

Explore Employee Benefits that You Can Afford!
Spotlight on our Affordable Dental Program for Employees, Volunteers & Board Members
April 11th, 2013 10am

We know that the Employe Benefits "Market" can becomplicated.  Our job is to help make that world more simple, and affordable for nonprofits. To help you understand each type of benefit, it's coverage features and it's costs we are rolling out a series of short 30-minute webinar spotlights on our administered programs: Health Insurance,Flexible Spending Accounts and our Vision Program - which is new for 2013!

Up next...


Stay tuned for Flexible Spending Account & 
Life Insurance Webinars...

DoGoodBuyUs! [Corporate Member Spotlight]
Thursday, April 11, 2013 from 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM (EDT)
Online - Call And Login Information Will Be Sent To You 24-48 Hours In Advance Of This Workshop
At DoGoodBuyUs ( they believe    consumerism can change the world so, they created the largest marketplace of charity made products.  With each purchase, 50%+ proceedsare dedicated to fighting poverty, hunger, disease, environmental degradation and other life-threatening ills around the globe! As nonprofits around the country look for ways to bolster their fundraising, 100's have turned to DoGoodBuyUs as a way to bridge the gap between causes and the consumer market.

DoGoodBuyUs works with nonprofits around the world, helping them sell the products they (and now we) have created.
DoGoodBuyUs is the newest Corproate Member* of NYCON.

On this spotlight webinar you will learn:
  • Why products have become a successful part of many nonprofits revenue generation strategy
  • How to get started, what the process is like, services offered and more..
  • The long term benefits
Join us on April 11th at 2pm for a quick 30 minute overview on just how DoGoodBuyUs can Do Good by your nonprofit & community. *Please note that this company is NOT a NYCON Endorsed Corporate Partner.

Presented by Cynthia Adams, Founder,
Friday, April 12, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM (EDT)
Call And Login Information Will Be Sent To You 24-48 Hours In Advance Of This Workshop
This webinar will take participants through the process of establishing a grants calendar for the next 12 to 18 months. Fast-paced, and filled with action steps, Cynthia Adams will discuss how to design and adopt a Grant Decision Matrix before beginning the process of building a specific grants strategy for each project. All participants will also receive a set of worksheets that they can use to create their own approach to building grants calendars and grants strategies for their organizations. This webinar is for beginning, intermediate and advanced grantwriters. 

NYCON Membership Benefits Orientation [Webinar]
Good for Prospective, New & Returning Members!
April 18th, May 17th or June 14th - Your Choice
In our "Get to Know Us" Sessions, NYCON staff will tell you a lot more about our membership benefits - and answer all the questions you have regarding our process, costs and what you get for FREE.  We will be talking about these benefits.
  • Nonprofit Training, Education and Professional Assistance NYCON empowers our members with the best practices, policies, and procedures as well as information on ever-changing regulations, funding, accountability and more.
  • Cost Savings Solutions for Nonprofits
NYCON leverages the purchasing power of thousands of nonprofits to bring you economies of scale on everything from Office Supplies to Fundraising Software.
  • The Nonprofit Voice in New York State NYCON represents our members on the local, state and national level, giving voice to small and medium sized nonprofits everywhere. 
    Register Now

Presented by Susan Weinrich, VP of Organizational Develoment Services, NYCON
Friday, April 19, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EDT)
Call And Login Information Will Be Sent Via Email

Developing a strategic plan is an important component of organizational success; developing strategic thinkingthroughout the organization, however, is what enables an organization to make timely and effective decisions before, during, and after the establishment of a strategic plan. This session will provide guidance and offer suggestions on how you can leverage the impact of your strategic plan (if you have one) and build a culture where Board and staff leadership look forward rather than backward and seize opportunities rather than manage crisis. Learn how to improve your organizational decision making and move forward with shared purpose, commitment, and vision.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fundraising Software Discount for NYCON Members

SPRING into Fundraising with GiftWorks Software
Special 20% Discount Offered to NYCON Members through April 30th.
This special spring discount offer from GiftWorks can help you spruce up your donor or member database and get a fresh start on fundraising!  Take advantage of this deeper discount on one of our most popular "Members Only" group purchasing partnerships! Act now and receive an exclusive 20% discount on GiftWorks products, only for NYCON members. (Not a member? Join NYCON now and save!)
With GiftWorks you can easily manage your donors, donations, gifts and pledges. Integration with QuickBooks, Constant Contact, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn & MapQuest and even track volunteers, events and online donations with ease, all backed by a GiftWorks customer care team that's second to none.  
See Giftworks in Action 
Join NYCON and GiftWorks on April 16th at 2 pm ET for a special NYCON only showcase of GiftWorks. See all the powerful features in action as well as participate in our Q&A session immediately following the presentation. Click here to register to attend!

Try it Out First, For Free
NYCON Members get a FREE 30 day trial first, to see if GiftWorks fits your nonprofit needs.

Ready to Purchase Giftworks?
Members can use the coupon code GWNYCON2013 when buying from the GiftWorks online store. Or you can or call theGiftWorks Sales Team at (888) 323-8766 and press option 2. 


GiftWorks. Helping NYCON Do Good. Better.
(Not to be combined with any other discounts or coupons, discount is not available on a SmartPlan. Discount on GiftWorks Anywhere setup fee only, with purchase or upgrade).

Questions? Contact our Membership Team, Valerie Venezia or Amber Vanderwarker or call us at (800) 515-5012 ext. 121 or 126. 

More cuts coming for state's ARCs

By: James M. Odato

If you work for one of the 49 organizations within the New York ARC network, the state budget adopted last week will affect your job. And it could result in the freezing or cutting of salaries of ARC executives, many of whom are compensated beyond Gov. Andrew Cuomo's comfort level.
Indeed, several executives of ARCs, formerly known as Association for Retarded Citizens, are paid well above the $199,000 threshold Cuomo has set under restrictions that take effect in July, according to new regulations posted on the Division of Criminal Justice Services website a few days before the budget was passed. Many more are paid a salary above the $136,000 earned by Office for People With Developmental Disabilities Commissioner Courtney Burke.
The governor's order calls on the Budget Division to oversee nonprofit administrative expenses. Penalties such as suspension or denial of funds could be levied if nonprofits overpay their executives, although waivers will be considered.
The governor's limits on administrative expenses arrive as the new budget takes effect. It calls for $90 million in reduced state funding for ARCs and other service providers who help developmentally disabled people. (The cut is matched by another $90 million lost from the federal government.) The Cuomo administration pared funding because of sharply reduce reimbursement rates set by the federal government.
Asked how these nonprofits are to manage with $180 million less, the Budget Division's spokesman Morris Peters said the organizations will need to look at their expenses.
"The savings will be implemented following consultation with a workgroup of relevant parties," he said. The goal is "to generate savings via reduced administrative costs, enhanced audit recoveries, and improved program efficiencies."
Ben Golden, director of government affairs for NYSARC Inc., the parent company of the statewide string of ARCs, said most chapters — whose combined budgets total $1.7 billion— have cut all they can: "The money's just not there anymore."
State expectations of further retrenchment also follow Cuomo's push for consolidation of governments and school districts.
Golden said the ARCs are investigating ways to share services, particularly backroom operations, and some mergers could be explored to reduce administrative overhead.
His organization, he said, will cooperate. NYSARC head Mark Brandt, whose compensation included $220,171 in base pay and another $67,773 in additional income for 2011, has supported Cuomo's executive salary initiative.
Many countywide ARC chapters' executives are approaching the Cuomo limit. Others have blown through it: New York City's chapter paid top officer Michael Goldfarb $664,157 (including $498,779 in base pay) and Associate Executive Director Robert C. Gundersen $666,444 (including $489,434 in supplemental retirement benefits) in 2011. Eight others at the chapter exceeded Cuomo's cap that year by more than $150,000 each.
"We understand this is a sensitive issue," said Golden. "When it comes time to ask for a waiver or comply with that, we will certainly do that."
Some mergers have been accomplished. Ulster and Greene counties now have one chapter, and the Warren-Washington ARC merged with Albany's.
Longtime administrator of the Saratoga chapter of ARC Valerie Muratori said the organizations need top-notch managers to create and implement programs with receding revenues. And the groups need good fund-raisers to tap charitable donors as well.
In the past year, Muratori said, she has had to eliminate 40 positions, from maintenance workers to managers, because of shrinking public aid. She manages 550 workers who provide services to 800 people. Her pay, after beginning at the organization at the ground level in 1983, is $150,669, plus $15,210 for the use of a car. "I do believe there is a feeling on the part of certain state officials that there should be fewer providers in our field and there should be some evaluation on the numbers of organizations providing our services," she said.
All of the organizations will receive 4.5 percent less than last year. For Saratoga's ARC, that is about a $1 million cut.
"One of my concerns is that you really want people to work in this field," Muratori said. "You want people who enjoy working directly with people with developmental disabilities, and you also want people who have the skill sets to create services, design services and manage them and come into the field and be leaders."

Read more: